Top 7 Differences Between Dogs and Cats

Are you considering adopting a new furry friend but aren’t sure which type of pet is right for you? To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a fun, friendly, and fact-filled list of the top 7 differences between dogs and cats.

Side-by-side AI pet art of golden retriever dog and tabby cat on a impressionistic field of flowers background

Choosing between a dog and a cat can feel like deciding between two beloved hobbies—each brings its own unique joys and challenges! Here at PugMug, we adore and specialize in custom pet art and custom pet products for all pets, be they purring furballs or wagging tail companions.  

Are you considering adopting a new furry friend but aren’t sure which type of pet is right for you? To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a fun, friendly, and fact-filled list of the top 7 differences between dogs and cats. 

Whether you’re a lifelong dog lover, a dedicated cat person, someone who’s yet to decide, or someone who knows they love both, this guide is for you!

1. Behavior: The Social Butterfly vs. The Independent Aristocrat

Side-by-side AI pet portrait of a happy bulldog running through a field of flowers and a regal white cat sitting on a throne with a crown

Dogs are the extroverts of the pet world. They thrive on social interaction, eagerly greeting you at the door with tail wags and happy barks. Their pack mentality means they see you as part of their family and love spending time with you, whether it’s a walk in the park or a cozy snuggle on the couch. On the flip side, when left alone for extended periods of time, many dogs will become sad, depressed, and withdrawn.

Cats, on the other hand, are the introverts. They enjoy their alone time and may not always come running when you walk through the door. They have a more independent nature, often displaying a calm and collected demeanor, and they are often content with being left alone for longer periods of time. Throughout history, many famous authors have written about cats’ mysterious nature. Don’t be fooled by their aloofness, though; cats form strong bonds with their humans and show affection in more subtle, endearing ways. We love this WikiHow article on tips for bonding with your cat.

2. Eating Habits: The Gourmet vs. The Grazer

Side-by-side AI pet art of a mastiff dog enjoying ice cream and a grey cat in a picnic basket with fruit

Dogs are generally not picky eaters (though Yorkie owners might disagree!). They often gobble down their meals with gusto and will happily eat the same food day after day. Some dogs might even think everything in the house is potentially edible, so be careful where you leave your snacks! Make sure to do your research on human foods that are dog-friendly

Cats are more like little epicureans. They can be quite particular about their food, often preferring fresh and well-presented meals. Some cats may graze throughout the day, nibbling whenever they feel peckish, rather than sticking to strict mealtimes. Their finicky nature means they may turn up their nose at yesterday’s leftovers, so variety can be key.

3. Training and Trick-Learning: The Eager Student vs. The Selective Learner

Side-by-side AI pet portrait of an eager white bichon dog among scattered school supplies and a black cat reading a book in a library

Training a dog can be a rewarding experience. Most dogs are eager to please and can learn a variety of tricks and commands with consistent practice and positive reinforcement. From fetching the newspaper to mastering agility courses, dogs enjoy the mental stimulation and the bond formed through training.

Cats, however, march to the beat of their own drum. While they can be trained, it often requires more patience and understanding of their unique motivations. Cats are less likely to perform on command and more likely to do things on their terms. They might learn a trick or two if there’s something in it for them, like a tasty treat, but don’t expect them to roll over on command anytime soon.
Interested in trying some tricks with your cat? We love these fun cat trick videos from the Outdoor Bengal blog. 

4. Space: The Room Roamer vs. The Cozy Corner Lover

Side-by-side AI pet portraits of a happy dog running through bubbles and a peaceful white cat sitting by a fireplace in a log cabin

Dogs, especially larger breeds, need plenty of space to roam and exercise. They enjoy running in the yard, playing fetch, and exploring new environments. Apartment living can work for smaller dog breeds, but regular walks and trips to the park are essential to keep them happy and healthy.

Cats are more adaptable to smaller spaces and can thrive in apartments. They love finding cozy corners, windowsills, or high perches to observe their surroundings. A few well-placed cat trees and scratching posts can turn even a tiny apartment into a feline paradise.

5. Grooming Routine: The Regular Spa-Goer vs. The Self-Cleaning Machine

Side-by-side AI pet portrait of a happy dog in a bathtub with bubbles and a black cat in a top hat and a glitzy Roaring 20s background

Dogs often require regular grooming to keep their coats clean and healthy. Depending on the breed, this can range from simple brushing to professional grooming sessions. Many dogs also enjoy the occasional bath, which can be a fun bonding experience.

Cats are meticulous self-groomers. They spend a significant portion of their day cleaning themselves, which means they usually require less grooming from their humans. However, long-haired cats might need some extra help with brushing to prevent mats and tangles.

6. Need for Attention: The Constant Companion vs. The Occasional Visitor

Side-by-side AI pet art of a dog running after a frisbee in a park and a white cat resting alone in the grass

Dogs are like that friend who always wants to hang out. They crave attention and companionship and can become lonely or anxious if left alone for too long. They’re happiest when they’re involved in family activities and can become your shadow, following you from room to room.

Cats are more independent and can be left alone for longer periods. They enjoy their own company and will seek out attention on their terms. While they do appreciate human interaction, they’re also content to spend time alone, making them ideal for people with busy schedules. 

7. Playing and Games: The Fetch Fanatic vs. The Laser Light Lover

Side-by-side AI pet art of a dog chasing after a volleyball on the beach and a black cat with a light saber

Dogs love to play and are usually up for a game of fetch, tug-of-war, or any activity that gets them moving. Their playful nature is a great way to bond and keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

Cats enjoy playtime too but in different ways. They love chasing laser pointers, pouncing on feather toys, and engaging in short bursts of activity. Playtime for cats is often more about satisfying their hunting instincts and can be a great way to provide exercise and mental stimulation.

The Next Challenge: Choosing a Breed

Images of ten example dog breeds from
A few example dog breeds from

So, you’ve decided whether a dog or a cat is the right pet for you—congratulations! But the journey doesn’t end here. 

The next challenge is choosing a breed. This decision is important because different breeds come with their own unique needs, personalities, and care requirements. Some breeds might be more energetic, while others are known for their laid-back nature. Factors such as grooming, exercise, and temperament can vary widely between breeds, so it’s essential to choose one that fits well with your lifestyle.

To help you make an informed decision, you can learn more about popular dog and cat breeds and see amazing custom pet portraits of each breed in PugMug's example gallery. Just select a dog or cat breed from our list to learn more about each breed’s history, unique care needs, and special qualities, and to see amazing custom pet portraits featuring each breed.


Deciding between a dog and a cat comes down to your lifestyle and preferences. Both types of pets bring joy, companionship, and unique challenges. Whether you choose a loyal dog or a graceful cat, or even both, you’ll have a loving companion for years to come.

At PugMug, we celebrate the unique personalities of all pets through one-of-a-kind personalized custom pet portraits that can be printed on dozens of unique products, from pillows to coasters.  Whether you’re a dog person, a cat person, or both, PugMug offers personalized art and products to celebrate your furry friends in style.

Are there any important differences or considerations for getting a dog vs. a cat that we missed? Let us know at

Custom dog pillow with a dog next to a bowl of fruit on the left; custom dog t-shirt with a cool dog in sunglasses on the right
Products with custom pet art from